Proactive Diabetic Foot Care

Proactive Diabetic Foot Care

For diabetics, foot care is essential to prevent serious complications. Poor blood sugar control damages nerves, leading to numbness and loss of sensation in the feet. Damaged blood vessels reduce circulation, leading to slow-healing wounds and infections that can...

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How Does Weight Affect Heel Pain?

How Does Weight Affect Heel Pain?

Do you feel constant heel pain? Are you worried your body weight could be the cause of it? Chronic plantar heel pain (CPHP) is one of the most prevalent conditions that affect the foot. Records show this musculoskeletal disorder accounts for 15% of all foot complaints...

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What Is Your Worst Heel Pain Enemy? Yourself!

What Is Your Worst Heel Pain Enemy? Yourself!

Although the heel is a small part of your body, it can lead to some big discomfort and greatly affect your day-to-day life.  Heel pain can afflict people for a variety of reasons, but there are ways to stop it before it becomes a problem and to treat the issue if...

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Why Does My Foot Hurt?

Why Does My Foot Hurt?

There are many reasons why your foot might hurt. It could be because of an injury, nerve pain, structural abnormalities, overuse, or diabetic issues. If you are experiencing foot pain, it is crucial to get to the root of the problem to find the best way to treat it....

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What Causes Heel Pain and How Do I Treat it?

What Causes Heel Pain and How Do I Treat it?

If you're experiencing heel pain, you're not alone. Heel pain is a common problem that affects millions of people every year. The good news is that there are many treatment options available, and most cases can be resolved without surgery. In this article, we'll...

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How Diabetes Affects Your Feet

How Diabetes Affects Your Feet

It is estimated that 37.3 million Americans have diabetes. If you have this condition, too much glucose in the body system can cause serious health complications. The disease affects many major organs, including the nerves, kidneys, eyes, heart, and blood vessels....

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Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

*Office is closed from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM for lunch

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