Heel Pain Treatments – That Work!

Heel Pain Treatments – That Work!

Treating heel pain shouldn’t feel like such a complicated issue, right? And yet there are plenty of people who have tried various remedies and not found the results they need. Why is that? One of the main reasons that persistent heel pain can feel so stubborn and...

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A Look at Hockey Foot & Ankle Injuries

A Look at Hockey Foot & Ankle Injuries

For those of us who have been around long enough, it’s hard to believe it’s been 25 years now since the Avalanche first moved to Denver and won their first Stanley Cup. But the evidence is everywhere, from youth and men’s leagues around the state to the first...

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Do Custom Orthotics Help with Sports?

Do Custom Orthotics Help with Sports?

We all know that athletes look for any advantages to improve their sports performance. Most of this comes through hard work and training, but sometimes equipment can play a significant role as well. So when it comes to something like custom orthotics, can they provide...

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How We Treat Foot and Ankle Sports Injuries

How We Treat Foot and Ankle Sports Injuries

Every foot or ankle injury deserves prompt attention, but a sports injury often requires additional consideration beyond the problem itself. When a sports injury impedes your ability to be active and participate in the things you love to do, our goal is always to get...

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Treating Heel Pain Caused by Plantar Fasciitis

Treating Heel Pain Caused by Plantar Fasciitis

If you are suffering from persistent heel pain—and plantar fasciitis is a common diagnosis if you are—the most important thing about any treatment is that it works. Many people out there have tried one or two things at home to try to soothe their discomfort, only for...

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8580 Scarborough Dr., Ste 120
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

*Office is closed from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM for lunch

P: 719-266-5000
F: 719-266-6596

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